Thursday, April 14, 2011

L is for Love

I have joined the A to Z blogging challenge. During the month of April I will write a post each day with the exception of Sundays and these posts will correspond with each letter of the Alphabet. You can join by following the link above.


The bible tells us that we only know love because God first loved us. God has love us before we were ever conceived in the womb... before the foundation of the world. He chose to love me even when He knew that I would sin and the bad choices I would make.  

I've learned a lot about love in the last 7 years. Jeff and I went to a marriage conference held by Dr. Gary Chapman, Author of "The 5 Love Languages". This conference was amazing and I learned that loving someone is a choice. Marriage is hard and learning to live with someone who was raised differently than you is extremely tough. But loving that person is a choice you make.
Jeff and I had a rough start. We separated two weeks after we got married... or rather, I left him. I was gone for almost 6 months. We had to learn to communicate and to love each other... even when one of us ground on the other person's last nerve. Jeff has been by my side as I dealt with deaths in my family and his, an illness that almost took my life and many other rough patches. He has honored his vow to love me in good times and bad, sickness and health. I make a conscious effort to love him daily... because that is what God has done for me.

My sister, Kari, decided to join the challenge, so be sure to take a look!

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