Thursday, June 27, 2013

Knit Baby Booties

I came across some adorable knit booties the other day but there was no pattern attached to the project listed in Ravelry. So I asked the maker if there was a pattern some where. She responded with the pattern and told me to have fun! I've completed two pairs in just a couple days. Last night she gave me permission to share the pattern. Now, I have altered it just a smidge. I changed the first K2tog and P2tog on the decrease rows to SSK and SSP. This allowed both side of the decrease to be more uniform.

FamilyDiva's Knit Booties

US5 Knitting Needles
Worsted Weight Yarn
Tapestry Needle

Cast on 41 stitches. (I used the long tail cast on)
Rows 1-12: Knit (41 per row)
Row 13: Knit 18, SSK, Knit 1, K2TOG, Knit 18 (39)
Row 14: Purl 17, SSP, Purl 1, P2TOG, Purl 17 (37)
Row 15: Knit 16, SSK, Knit 1, K2TOG, Knit 16 (35)
Row 16: Purl 15, SSP, Purl 1, P2TOG, Purl 15 (33)
Row 17: Knit 14, SSK, Knit 1, K2TOG, Knit 14 (31)
Row 18: Purl 13, SSP, Purl 1, P2TOG, Purl 13 (29)
Row 19: Knit 12, SSK, Knit 1, K2TOG, Knit 12 (27)
Row 20: Knit 1, Purl 1 across
Row 21: Purl 1, Knit 1 across
Repeat Rows 20 and 21 as desired (I completed 7 rows)
Bind off and leave a long tail to sew up the back and bottom of the booties.

I will probably make a lot of these since they work so quick and use such a small amount of yarn. They are also quite stretchy! All the booties I make will be donated to the Promise House at the end of the year with the blankets I am working on!

I'm here... with projects to share!

I know its been a while since I have been on here. I have been trying to adjust to life as a working wife and mommy. I've been a working wife since 2007 but throwing in the mommy part adds an extra challenge for me. So I am here to give you some updates on my little boy (I'm quickly learning that he is no longer a baby *sad face*) and show you some of the many projects I have been working on this year.

Jonathan is growing so fast! He will be 14 months old on Monday 7/1/2013 and he is so much fun! He is over 32 inches tall and weighs around 25 pounds. He walks and climbs stairs easily (not without supervision of course!). He says Momma, Dada, Mom, Dad, Gramma (Mmma), Grampa (Mmmpa), UhOh, Ball, Boom and Hey! We swear we heard him say "Ready, set, GO!" one day too but he hasn't said it since! He is down to 1 bottle a day and we are working to get him off that bed time bottle now. He sleeps through the night and has been most of the time since he was about 6 months old. He loves Veggie Tales and his toys. He blows kisses and gives giant hugs. We love him so much and can't imagine life without him now.

As for projects I've been working on...

Several months ago I found out that a friend of Jeff's cousin is going to be adopting a child from Ghana. She is doing rummage sales, auctions, bake sales, and so many other things to help raise the money they will need to complete the adoption. I felt compelled to crochet her a blanket... which of course turned into booties and a hat too!

I also joined a small KAL with the group of ladies I joined while I was pregnant for women due in April 2012 and I started this sweater vest for Jonathan... Its not finished because I had to put it down for a while. The pattern was written in the round and I didn't have short enough cables for it so I wrote it out as a flat pattern and am now stuck where I have to divide the back and front to make arm holes... Its a beautiful vest though and is made in a larger size so I still have time to finish it because I wanted him to be able to wear it in the winter...

I knit him an Easter vest too...

I knit a blanket using a varigated green and brown Homespun from Lion Brand and a Solid brown too. The blanket was for a reveal gift for the secret pal/sister thing we have going at church. My secret pal at the time is wheel chair bound and I thought she might enjoy a lapghan!

I have several other charity baby blankets in the works for a big (at least 4 blankets) donation to the Promise House here in Little Rock. I will be donating some baby booties too and at least one lovie I crocheted. I will make another post with those later.

I hope this post finds you all well. We are enjoying life so much right now!

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Today is a big day (photos)

Today we are having a baby dedication service for Jonathan at church. We do not believe in infant baptism but we do believe in dedicating the child to God and promising to raise the child in a Godly home and in a way that would glorify Him. So in preparation for this big day I spent the last 3-ish weeks knitting Jonathan a sweater vest... this was my first ever knitted garment and I have to say I am quite amazed it turned out so well dispite its flaws!

I love the color... its Knit Picks Brava worsted in Peapod.

I "winged" the pocket because I felt the vest needed a little extra something once it was finished. And of course, to make it fun I added the little yellow fishie to match the button (which is on the back of the left shoulder).

The coloring is horrible because it was night time and my lighting stunk! But, I made him a matching pacifier clip to go with the vest!

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Something I've learned

Today Jonathan turns 15 weeks old... yes... 15! I can't believe how much he has gown, changed and learned in the last 15 weeks. Already he can smile and laugh, he knows how to get attention when he wants it, he jabbers with us all the time in that special baby language. But Sunday I had a realization... I am so thankful that God gave me a boy!

I remember when Jeff and I first found out we were having a boy. We had wanted a girl so bad; I was so anxious for a girl so I could crochet all sorts of cute, frilly stuff for her. A few hours after we got home from the doctor I broke down crying. I couldn't understand it. I wanted to be so happy I was having a boy but I was so totally disappointed! I felt horrible because I had no desire to make anything for my boy and I felt like it meant that I didn't love him. It took me a day or two but I finally accepted the fact that we were having a boy and I found some equally adorable patterns for things I could make him. Eventually I was so excited for this little boy!

Now, 15 weeks later, I am so thankful for him. God knew exactly what he was doing for us. This boy is wonderful and quite honestly, the best thing we have ever been blessed with. The giggles he gives me when I look at him and see him trying to get the pacifier back in his mouth with just his tongue, the snuggles I get when he awakens at 5am scared of storms, even the little conversations we have while he just jabbers away. I find myself praying over him at night as I feed him his bedtime bottle. I thank God for him, for this blessing, and I pray that he grows to love and glorify God.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

There is a giveaway...

Over here! Win some nice yarn, beautiful hooks and cute buttons! I hope I win!

Friday, June 1, 2012

He's 1 month old today!

It's been a while since I have written a post on here. I started to write one the other day but couldn't find the right words... so I'll try again... with some purpose this time!

My little boy was born one month ago today. His 7lbs 12oz and 21 inch long body was not quite as big as the doctor had estimated (8lbs+ if I went full term) and I was induced 1 week past my due date. Labor was quick and other than bad tearing it was good! He has all 10 toes and 10 fingers. He looks just like me... in fact, I marveled about this several times as I would look down at his face and see myself. I found it very strange at first.

We have grown attached to each other in the almost 5 weeks we have had to spend with each other. Jeff went back to work when he was 2 weeks old and its been all me during the day while Jeff is at work. I can't honestly say it has been easy. I had days where all I did was cry and think I will never make it through this. We have had to switch formula to a brand that has added rice starch to help with his projectile vomiting (this is not an exaggeration) and he has been a wonderful eater since changing. I even told Jeff that I would have been better off just getting a puppy; this was when Jeff stepped in and took control of the night time feedings. This has made my days so much better and I have been able to bond better with the baby.

I dread going back to work soon. I am going to miss my little boy. However, I do believe that this will give Jeff more time to bond with the baby since he will now be the sole care giver in the afternoons when he picks him up from daycare.

As for the crocheting and knitting... I get a little time here and there... mostly in the evenings when Jeff is home and I can sneak in an hour or so. I am working on a blanket for a manager at work who was expecting a grandson to be born in May and I am knitting a blanket for Jeff's cousin and his wife as they are expecting their first little girl in Sept. I need to get these done and will have ample time during breaks and lunches at work... I have to make more gifts as I have a friend due with twins in Nov and another friend due with her fourth baby in Nov.

Anyhow. I hope everyone is doing well! Happy Summer!

Monday, April 2, 2012

Dear Susanne!

Just a quick update. I had Susanne from Sweden ask for the pattern for the heart I crocheted for Debi back in February. I had participated in Debi's granny swap and made a heart as an extra gift for her (see photo here). So I wanted to share a link to the pattern with everyone! The pattern is called Heart Motif and it is located here for free! I hope everyone enjoys it... I found it super easy and it looks much nicer than other hearts I have made in the past!